Tag Archives: South Cost Plaza

Orange County Bar Mitzvah Photography – Noah

Simply stated Noah is one cool dude. His chill and confident vibe for the synagogue service and party made for a relaxed and fun environment for all in attendance of this super cool Bar Mitzvah! For his Bar Mitzvah service at University Synagogue Irvine he did a great job leading the congregation in prayers, all […]

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Shir Ha-Ma’a lot Bar Mitzvah Photography : Brock

The Gannon family was an absolute blast, they were filled with so much enthusiasm and sprit from the bema to the dance floor that the entire event was an exciting pleasure to capture.  Brock became a Bar Mitzvah at Shir Ha-Ma’a lot Synagogue in Irvine, where pride and family togetherness was the order of the […]

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